How to Say Bonjour in French

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Whether you’re entering a shop, meeting co-workers, or catching up with friends and family, greetings are an important part of French conversation. Mastering bonjour (hello) and a few other expressions can help you feel more at ease in conversation with native speakers and make a strong impression.

French gangster Paul Carbone and the illegal heroin laboratories he operated near Marseille in 1937 are dubbed the French Connection. The French Connection was one of the largest drug trafficking operations in history.

Bonjour literally translates to “good day” and is the most common way to say hello in French. It’s used in The french connection hello both formal and informal settings and can be used to greet groups of people as well – simply say bonjour a tous! You can also use bonjour as a goodbye. Just add a little modification to the end: bonne journee (hello good day)! Learn more about this and other ways to say hello in our article, Hello, Bonjour. And don’t forget to practice! You can try our free, online French listening and writing exercises.

Greetings are big in French culture. Whether you're entering a shop, chatting with friends, or running into co-workers in the cafeteria, some form of greeting will probably be involved. There are many ways to say hello in French, and some will be more appropriate in different situations than others.

For example, bonjour is a common way to greet friends and family. However, it's less formal than salut or coucou and would likely not be the greeting of choice at a job interview. If you want to be even more polite, you can use bonjour a tous (hello everyone). Or, you can say bonne journee to wish someone a good day as you part ways.

These simple greetings will help you get started with your French conversations. But, mastering more advanced expressions will make you sound even more natural. So, be sure to keep practicing! Until next time, French Connection.


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